Recovery weekend.

Sorry for the brief hiatus.

The stress of work and lack of sleep in general had me completely spent by Friday. I had majorly severe round ligament pain. I knew it wasn’t anything serious because it only hurt when I moved around and the baby was even more active in there than usual. His new favorite thing to kick is my bladder. Oh, and the cankles? I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Forget Cankle Town. This was like the Nation of Cankleton. It was not cute. So, I put myself on bed rest, forgoing other plans I had (including a much, much needed pedicure).

I took it easy, just watching movies with Chris and doing a little reading. I took a few warm baths, which really helped relax those muscles. Today, I feel much better. I can move around without pain, although there is a lingering soreness. If only I had one more day to get back to 100%.

At least my ankles look like ankles again.

7 things.

1) We went on a tour of the women’s hospital today where I’ll be delivering. Compared to other hospital maternity wards I’ve been in, it’s great. I’m about as excited as one can be to deliver a baby. Still terrified, though.

2) My wonderful, supportive mom and step-dad came with us and afterwards, made me a bacon cheese avocado burger for dinner. It was amazing. My mom also told me I looked like I lost weight. What a sweet little lie. She obviously didn’t notice my burgeoning cankles due to swelling. (Actually, she did notice.)

3) My mother-in-law has been texting me lately (this is very new). Today, she sent me a very sweet text and signed it, “Love, Mom.” I can’t even begin to express how much that meant to me. We’ve never had a bad relationship, but just…non-communicative. I’m glad that’s changing.

4) Work this week was beyond stressful and next week will be times 10. The silver lining: after next week, our trade show season is over and things will start to slow down. So looking forward to that.

5) A bit of advice. Don’t be assholes to pregnant women for no reason. The hormones are real. And you’ll either get physically hurt or feel like a dick when you make them cry. So just be nice.

6) Round ligament pain is no fun.

7) I got nothing else. I promise to be more interesting tomorrow.



My exciting life.

Sorry for the brief hiatus. I decided to unplug just a little bit this weekend. We spent Saturday doing some belated birthday celbratin’ for Chris. I took him to lunch, took him shopping for new clothes (which I really do enjoy), and getting him some new glasses.

Chris loves his new glasses. I do, too.

We also bought our first baby clothing items. We had an hour to kill while waiting for his glasses, so I decided to give it a shot. I’ll admit, my fear that buying baby clothes would mean something might go wrong was in full gear. I had a cold sweat going on, butterflies, the whole nine. But alas, the only thing I feel now is more pregnant.

The cutest gender neutrals I could find. Also, super cheap. All of this for under $20. My favorite is the duck cardigan.

My sleep is still not great. I am more comfortable now, thankfully, but now I’m having crazy dreams that wake me up and keep me up. On Friday, I dreamed about a house full of cats. Just looking at me. It really freaked me out. Then I made the mistake of watching It Takes Two on HBO, which stars the Olsen twins. Shudder. The next night, I don’t remember the dream, but it kept me up from 3 am to 6 am. We had to get up to meet a friend for breakfast, so needless to say,I took a good 4 hour nap later.

Isn’t my life exciting? Yeah, not so much. Chris and I are going out of town for a long weekend in a couple weeks. It’s so needed. It will be the last time we can do something again until October or November, and by then I probably won’t want to go anywhere. So maybe we’ll get some excitement in then. Maybe.

Good Saturday.

I had a rough week, so I really just wanted to sleep in today and then get up and do nothing. I slept til about 9:45, which is really late for me (although I could have easily slept longer). After I made us breakfast, Chris and I  cuddled up and watched 4 episodes Portlandia. After that, we thought it would be a good idea to stress ourselves out by calling T-Mobile, who we canceled but still get bills from. The person he got on the phone acknowledged the error and fixed it. The dude I got still tried to tell me I owed them $80, even though I sent them that $80 in check form (and they cashed it) on Jan. 5.

After that tense convo, I decided to do something that used to really relax me – pluck my eyebrows. I use to pluck them so perfectly, and would spend hours doing it. The past few years, I’ve been plucking here and there, but they are usually out of control. On my wedding day, the makeup guy looked at me and said, “Oh girl, your eyebrows need some help.”  Thankfully, he had some tweezers and sorted me out.

When I looked at my stragglers this afternoon in the sunlight, I didn’t even know where to start. I immediately texted my friend Natalie (who has enviable eyebrows) asking if she gets hers waxed and where. She said no, she doesn’t, but she knows a good place to get them threaded. I asked her if she’d meet me there for moral support because, honestly, the thought of it freaked me out.

We met at the mall, which was insane and reminds me why I never go to the mall. But we got our eyebrows threaded for $12, and they came out great. I know I don’t have a before pic, but I promise, it was bad. This is the after:

Not a stray hair in sight!

If you’ve never had it done, it is very quick and painless.

In other news, I’ve lost another 2 pounds this week. I am very proud of myself for sticking to something for so long, and it felt so good to see that number on the scale this morning. Right now, Chris has his famous (in this apartment) turkey chili in the crock pot, and we’re getting ready to curl up and watch Moneyball. It’s been a good day.

Mmmmm….cook faster, slow cooker! I’m hungry!