Paging Dr. Venkman…


I am so ready for the three day weekend. While this week has not been a complete suckfest, it hasn’t been great.

Monday, I called my doctor since I was still in pain. She told me to drink TONS of water (more than I already drink, which is a half ton) and stay home and rest. So, I took the day off and it really did help. I’m still a little sore when I walk, but not like before. Baby H is moving around in there more and more. I actually adore his kickboxing moves and smile every time I feel him roundhouse my kidney. The only downside is he kicks my bladder and I feel like I’m about to pee my pants. I also feel like I have to pee every second of the day! My bladder must be a comfy place to hang out.

Work hasn’t been too bad. I’m in the midst of organizing a large event, so I’ve spent lots of time emailing and on the phone. With my legs propped up. The cankleage is at a minimum right now. However, usually by Friday I have Stay Puft Marshmallow Legs, so we shall see.

So cute. So evil.

I thought the pregnancy appetite was coming on last week when I gladly ate my weight in Mexican food one day at lunch. But alas, since then, I just get fuller faster. Tonight for dinner, I had a little salad and some pita chips and was s-t-u-f-f-e-d. The pita chips were really, really good too and I wanted to just keep eating them forever, but I decided making myself vomit probably was not a good idea. Hmph.

Such are the woes of a first world pregnant woman.